- n. 酸;迷幻藥
- adj. 酸的;諷刺的;刻薄的
- Rye is tolerant of poor, acid soils.
- 黑麥耐貧瘠的酸性土壤。
- acid fruit
- 酸水果
- an acid wit
- 尖刻的俏皮話
- ...citric acid...
- 檸檬酸
- Acids in the stomach destroy the virus.
- 胃酸能殺死病毒。
- These shrubs must have an acid, lime-free soil.
- 這些灌木必須生長在不含石灰的酸性土壤環境。
- These wines may taste rather hard and somewhat acid.
- 這些酒可能喝著比較沖并且有股酸味。
- This comedy of contemporary manners is told with compassion and acid humour.
- 這部當代風尚喜劇雜糅了悲憫的情懷和尖酸的幽默。
- These wines are made from grapes.
- 這幾種酒都是葡萄釀造的.
- Some ants eject formic acid when irritated.
- 有些螞蟻受到刺激時會排出蟻酸.
- Spilt acid discoloured the floor.
- 潑出的酸弄得地板褪色.
- Below his preternatural affability there is some acid and steel.
- 在他異常和藹可親的表情之下,有著尖刻和鋼鐵般的堅毅.
- Everyone doesn't like to hear the acid remarks.
- 沒有人喜歡聽那尖酸刻薄的話.
- The sulphuric acid ate into the parts of the metal where the coat of paint had peeled.
- 硫酸腐蝕了這塊金屬上涂層剝落的地方.
- Handle with care, or the acid may get out.
- 小心輕放, 否則酸會溢出來.
- The acid has been eating away the sides of the container.
- 酸腐蝕著容器的四壁.
- Acid causes metal to corrode.
- 酸使金屬腐蝕.
- The acid has burnt a hole in my jacket.
- 這種酸把我的上衣燒了一個窟窿.
- The acid has eaten through the metal.
- 酸把這塊金屬腐蝕穿了.
- An acid solution is concentrated when it has very much acid in it.
- 當酸性溶液里含有很多酸時,它就被濃縮了.
- Acid ate holes in my coat.
- 我的衣服被酸蝕爛了幾個洞.
- Everything he said drip ped acid.
- 他的話里字字句句都帶著刺.
- When nitric acid is poured on copper, a brown vapor gives off.
- 將硝酸倒在銅上, 會散發出一種棕色的蒸氣.
- This acid eats metal.
- 這種酸能腐蝕金屬.
- Does that metal pit after contact with acid?
- 那種金屬同酸接觸后是否會起凹點?