- pron. 每個人;人人
- Everybody knows Tom.
- 人人都認識湯姆。
- Have you asked everybody?
- 你每個人都問了嗎?
- Didn't you like it? Everybody else did.
- 你不喜歡嗎?其他所有人都喜歡。
- Everybody was delighted to see her.
- 大家見到她都很高興.
- Now listen carefully everybody.
- 請大家仔細地聽.
- His incapacity for kindness makes everybody dislike him.
- 他不能與人為善,使得大家都討厭他.
- Nearly everybody enters for'The Nicest Garden Competition'each year, but Joe wins everytime.
- 幾乎每年每人都報名參加“最佳花園賽 ”, 但每次都是喬獲勝.
- Everybody took cover when the bombs began to fall on the town.
- 轟炸時,鎮上的每個人都藏了起來.
- Most everybody talks about it.
- 幾乎每個人都在談論這件事.
- His remark set everybody laughing.
- 他這一句話引得大家笑起來.
- Everybody knows he was wrongly accused.
- 誰都知道他被誣告了.
- Everybody recognized the seriousness of the situation.
- 誰都看出了局勢的嚴重性.
- Everybody disliked him because of his hot temper.
- 大家都嫌他脾氣太急.
- Let's establish the ground rules so that everybody knows what to expect.
- 我們得定一下基本規則,以便讓每個人都知道要求如何.
- It's difficult to please everybody.
- 很難使每個人滿意.
- The news excited everybody.
- 消息傳來,人人為之興奮.
- Everybody has a high mind.
- 人人有一個崇高的理想.
- At that moment, everybody began to laugh and sing.
- 這時候, 大家開始又是笑又是唱.
- Everybody faces down ! There are bombs coming over!
- 小心! 有炸彈!
- Not everybody can do it.
- 并不是人人全都能做.
- You may think it's all right for you to shout, but you've woken everybody up.
- 你這一嚷不要緊, 把大家都吵醒了.
- Everybody went into a terrible stew about it.
- 每人都為它著急.
- He was angry; but with everybody present, he kept his temper under control.
- 他有些生氣, 但當著大家的面不好發作.
- He is free from prejudice to everybody.
- 他對所有的人都不帶有任何成見.
- Our next door neighbour is a real noesy parker . He always has to know everything about everybody on our street.
- 我們隔壁的鄰居真是個包打聽, 這條街上所有住戶的事他都想知道.
- He is looked up to by everybody there.
- 他在那里受到眾人的尊敬.
- Everybody looked cheerful and happy.
- 大家都表露出輕松愉快的神情.
- He told the news to everybody he saw.
- 他逢人便講這個消息。
- The minute that the war started, everybody was glued to the television.
- 戰事一起,所有人都盯緊了電視報道。
- We cannot have a double standard where we say everybody else must play by the rules, but we do not need to.
- 我們不能采用雙重標準,即要求別人必須按章行事而我們自己卻不必如此。