- n. 噸;很多,大量
- n. (Ton)人名;(西、俄、捷、荷)托恩;(柬)敦;(東南亞國家華語)通;(朝)敦
來自 tun 拼寫變體,詞源由酒桶,木桶引申為專有名詞噸。
- ton
- ton: [14] Ton originated as a variant of tun ‘barrel’ [OE]. At first it was used for a unit of capacity, equal to the space occupied by a tun of wine, but by the end of the 15th century we find it being applied to a unit of weight. Tun itself was acquired from medieval Latin tunna, which was probably of Gaulish origin. Another of its descendants was Old French tonne, whose diminutive tonel was borrowed into English as tunnel [15]. This was originally used for a ‘tubular net for catching birds’, and then for a ‘chimney flue’ or ‘funnel’. It was not applied to an ‘underground passage’ until as recently as the late 18th century.
=> tun, tunnel - ton (n.1)
- "measure of weight," late 14c. The quantity necessary to fill a tun or cask of wine, thus identical to tun (q.v.). The spelling difference became firmly established 18c. Ton of bricks in the colloquial figurative sense of what you come down on someone like is from 1884.
- ton (n.2)
- "prevailing mode, style, fashionable ways," 1769, from French ton (see tone (n.)).
- 1. Every year they panned about a ton and a half of gold.
- 每年他們淘出大約1.5噸金子。
- 2. The ship was permitted to tie up in Bos-ton harbour.
- 該船獲準在波士頓港口停泊。
- 3. Getting rid of rubbish can cost $100 a ton.
- 清除垃圾每噸要花費100美元。
- 4. A seven-ton lorry slewed across their path.
- 一輛7噸的貨車側滑到了一側。
- 5. He'sstored away nearly one ton of potatoes.
- 他已經儲備了近1噸馬鈴薯。