- adv. 亦即;換句話說
- scilicet
- late 14c., Latin, "you may know, you may be sure, it is certain," used in sense "that is to say, namely," contraction of scire licit "it is permitted to know," from scire "to know" (see science); for second element see licit. Used as was Old English hit is to witanne, literally "it is to wit" (see wit (v.)). Often abbreviated sc. or scil.
Its function is to introduce : (a) a more intelligible or definite substitute, sometimes the English, for an expression already used ... (b) a word &c. that was omitted in the original as unnecessary, but is thought to require specifying for the present audience .... [Fowler]
- 1. Therefore , conclusion and summarizing of the past phenomenon, scilicet, is the meaning and value of paper.
- 對過去的總結和現象的歸納也即本文的意義和價值所在.
- 2. Generally speaking , Tacitus historiography contains three narrative arrangements, scilicet macro view , middle view and micro view.
- 塔西佗史學大致涵蓋宏觀 、 中觀和微觀等三個敘事層次.