- n. 玫瑰;粉紅色;薔薇(花);粉紅色的葡萄酒
- adj. 玫瑰花的;玫瑰色的;粉紅色的;帶有玫瑰香味的
- vt. 使成玫瑰色,使(面頰)發紅;使有玫瑰香味
- vi. 起義( rise的過去式);升起;(數量)增加;休會
來自拉丁語 rosa,玫瑰花,來自希臘語 rhodon,玫瑰花,來自古波斯語*wrda,花,來自 PIE*wrdos, 薔薇植物。
- rose
- rose: [OE] Rose is a general European term, represented also in French, German, and Danish rose, Italian and Spanish rosa, Dutch roos, Swedish ros, Russian roza, etc. These all go back ultimately to Latin rosa, which was either borrowed from, or came from the same source as Greek rhódon ‘rose’, a word of eastern Mediterranean origin.
=> rhododendron - rose (n.1)
- Old English rose, from Latin rosa (source of Italian and Spanish rosa, French rose; also source of Dutch roos, German Rose, Swedish ros, Serbo-Croatian ru?a, Polish ró?a, Russian roza, Lithuanian ro?e, Hungarian rózsa, Irish ros, Welsh rhosyn, etc.), probably via Italian and Greek dialects from Greek rhodon "rose" (Aeolic wrodon), probably ultimately related to Iranian root *vrda-.
But Tucker writes: "The rose was a special growth of Macedonia & the Thracian region as well as of Persia, & the Lat. & Gk. names prob. came from a Thraco-Phrygian source." Aramaic warda is from Old Persian; the modern Persian cognate, via the usual sound changes, is gul, source of Turkish gül "rose." Klein proposes a PIE *wrdho- "thorn, bramble."
The form of the English word was influenced by the French. Used as a color name since 1520s. In English civil wars of 15c., the white rose was the badge of the House of York, the red of its rival Lancaster. In the figurative sense, bed of roses is from 1590s. (In 15c. to be (or dwell) in flowers meant "be prosperous, flourish.") To come up roses is attested from 1969; the image, though not the wording, from 1855. To come out smelling like a rose is from 1968. Rose of Sharon (Song of Sol. ii:1) is attested from 1610s and named for the fertile strip of coastal Palestine. The flower has not been identified; used in U.S. since 1847 of the Syrian hibiscus. - rose (n.2)
- light red wine, 1897, from French vin rosé, literally "pink wine."
- 1. They rose to the challenge of entertaining 80 school-children for an afternoon.
- 他們一個下午成功接待了80名學童。
- 2. "Wait there!" Kathryn rose. "No, on second thought, follow me."
- “在那兒等著!”凱瑟琳站起身來,“不,我改主意了。跟我來。”
- 3. The powdery dust rose in a cloud around him.
- 一團粉塵在他周圍揚起。
- 4. Exports in June rose 1.5% to a record $30.91 billion.
- 6月份的出口額上升了1.5%,創下309.1億美元的歷史最高紀錄。
- 5. Rose heard the familiar voice, but tuned out the words.
- 羅斯聽到了熟悉的聲音,但沒注意聽說的是什么。