- n. 稻;米飯
- vt. 把…搗成米糊狀
- n. (Rice)人名;(瑞典)里瑟;(塞)里采;(英)賴斯
來自古法語 ris,來自意大利語 riso,來自拉丁語 oriza,來自希臘語 oryza,最終來自梵語 vrihi-s, 米飯,大米,詞源同 risotto.
- rice
- rice: [13] The word rice is presumably, like the plant it names, of oriental origin; its ancestor may well be represented in Sanskrit vrīhi-. It first appeared in Europe as Greek órūza. This passed into Latin as oryza, and eventually spread throughout the languages of Europe: French riz, Italian riso, Spanish arroz, German reis, Dutch rijst, Swedish and Russian ris, Welsh reis, Lithuanian rysai, English rice, etc.
- rice (n.)
- mid-13c., from Old French ris, from Italian riso, from Latin oriza, from Greek oryza "rice," via an Indo-Iranian language (compare Pashto vri?e, Old Persian brizi), ultimately from Sanskrit vrihi-s "rice." The Greek word is the ultimate source of all European words (Welsh reis, German reis, Lithuanian rysai, Serbo-Croatian riza, Polish ry?, etc.). Introduced 1647 in the Carolinas. Rice paper (1822), originally used in China, Japan, etc., is made from straw of rice.
- 1. Under these laws, he said, Mr. Rice's assets could have been frozen.
- 他說根據這些法規,賴斯先生的資產可能已經被凍結了。
- 2. The petals can be cooked with rice to colour it yellow.
- 可以把這些花瓣跟米飯一起煮,使米飯變成黃色。
- 3. Fish and rice were the mainstays of the country's diet.
- 魚和米是該國的主要食品。
- 4. He will offer the first harvest of rice to the sun goddess.
- 他將把收獲的第一束稻子獻給太陽女神。
- 5. The rice is accompanied by a soup or a soupy stew.
- 米飯伴以湯羹或燉菜。