- n. 廢物;小阿飛;年輕無知的人
- adj. 無用的,低劣的
- n. 朋客,朋克
- n. (Punk)人名;(匈)蓬克
2. 朋克是一個音樂范疇,它誕生于上世紀70年代初期,面臨著經濟危機、大量工人失業的英國。青少年對現實社會產生了強烈不滿甚至絕望的心情。他們憤怒地抨擊社會的各個方面,而且通過一種狂放宣泄的行為表達了他們的思想。這種情緒和思潮在文化藝術中得到體現。
3. 朋克音樂家們用簡單的和弦,表達簡單的情感,用粗俗明了的語言,訴說人性的美丑。他們歌頌大麻,也歌頌上帝;他們崇尚亂交,也呼喊著要社會關注那些單親的孩子;他們詛咒戰爭,卻在生活中濫用暴力;他們生活糜亂,但對未來充滿向往,他們在顛覆舊有的糜費文化同時也創造新的糜費。他們代表著人類發展方向的一種可能性和多種可選擇性,是人類多重矛盾集于一身的直接反映。
4. 繼而,朋克文化從舞臺走向生活,他們開始在表演以外的各個層面表現他們徹底革命的決心:穿上磨出窟窿、畫滿骷髏和美女的牛仔裝;男人們梳起雞冠頭,女人則把頭發統統剃光,露出青色的頭皮;鼻子上穿洞掛環;身上涂滿靛藍的熒光粉,似乎非得讓人對他們側目而視才滿意。其實他們什么也不為,只是要以此表現他們的與眾不同,表現他們的叛逆,表現他們對這個現實社會的不滿罷了。
- punk (adj.)
- "inferior, bad," 1896, also as a noun, "something worthless," earlier "rotten wood used as tinder" (1680s), "A word in common use in New England, as well as in the other Northern States and Canada" [Bartlett]; perhaps from Delaware (Algonquian) ponk, literally "dust, powder, ashes;" but Gaelic spong "tinder" also has been suggested (compare spunk "touchwood, tinder," 1580s).
- punk (n.2)
- "worthless person" (especially a young hoodlum), 1917, probably from punk kid "criminal's apprentice," underworld slang first attested 1904 (with overtones of "catamite"). Ultimately from punk (n.1) or else from punk "prostitute, harlot, strumpet," first recorded 1590s, of unknown origin.
For sense shift from "harlot" to "homosexual," compare gay. By 1923 used generally for "young boy, inexperienced person" (originally in show business, as in punk day, circus slang from 1930, "day when children are admitted free"). The verb meaning "to back out of" is from 1920.
The "young criminal" sense is no doubt the inspiration in punk rock first attested 1971 (in a Dave Marsh article in "Creem," referring to Rudi "Question Mark" Martinez); popularized 1976.If you looked different, people tried to intimidate you all the time. It was the same kind of crap you had to put up with as a hippie, when people started growing long hair. Only now it was the guys with the long hair yelling at you. You think they would have learned something. I had this extreme parrot red hair and I got hassled so much I carried a sign that said "FUCK YOU ASSHOLE." I got so tired of yelling it, I would just hold up the sign. [Bobby Startup, Philadelphia punk DJ, "Philadelphia Weekly," Oct. 10, 2001]
- punk (n.1)
- "Chinese incense," 1870, from punk (adj.).
- 1. Rock'n'roll has become so commercialised and safe since punk.
- 搖滾樂自從朋克樂以后就已經過于商業化而缺乏新意了。
- 2. Rock'n'roll has become so commercialized and safe since punk.
- 自朋克樂之后,搖滾樂已經變得太商業化、太保守了。
- 3. For a decade "X" was the pre-eminent punk band in Los Angeles.
- 10年來,“X”樂隊一直都是洛杉磯最杰出的朋克樂隊。
- 4. It all depends on your definition of punk, doesn'tit?
- “這全視乎你對朋克搖滾樂的定義,不是嗎?”
- 5. Some punk stuck a knife in her last night.
- 有個小流氓昨晚扎了她一刀。