- adj. 奇數的;古怪的;剩余的;臨時的;零散的
- n. 奇數;怪人;奇特的事物
- n. (Odd)人名;(英、西、挪、瑞典)奧德
- odd
- odd: [14] The etymological idea underlying odd is of ‘pointing upwards’. Its ultimate ancestor is a prehistoric Indo-European *uzdho-, a compound formed from *uz- ‘up’ and *dho- ‘put, place’ (source of English do). From the notion of a ‘pointed vertical object’ developed ‘triangle’, which in turn introduced the idea of ‘three’ and ‘one left over from two’, hence ‘indivisible by two’. This is the meaning odd had when English borrowed it from Old Norse oddi, and the modern sense ‘peculiar’ (as if the ‘odd one out’) did not emerge until the late 16th century.
=> do - odd (adj.)
- c. 1300, "constituting a unit in excess of an even number," from Old Norse oddi "third or additional number," as in odda-maer "third man, odd man (who gives the casting vote)," odda-tala "odd number." The literal meaning of Old Norse oddi is "point of land, angle" (related via notion of "triangle" to oddr "point of a weapon"); from Proto-Germanic *uzdaz "pointed upward" (cognates: Old English ord "point of a weapon, spear, source, beginning," Old Frisian ord "point, place," Dutch oord "place, region," Old High German ort "point, angle," German Ort "place"), from PIE *uzdho- (cognates: Lithuanian us-nis "thistle"). None of the other languages, however, shows the Old Norse development from "point" to "third number." Used from late 14c. to indicate a surplus over any given sum.
Sense of "strange, peculiar" first attested 1580s from notion of "odd one out, unpaired one of three" (attested earlier, c. 1400, as "singular" in a positive sense of "renowned, rare, choice"). Odd job (c. 1770) is so called from notion of "not regular." Odd lot "incomplete or random set" is from 1897. The international order of Odd Fellows began as local social clubs in England, late 18c., with Masonic-type trappings; formally organized 1813 in Manchester.
- 1. He smiled, an odd, dreamy smile that sent chills up my back.
- 他笑了,笑容古怪迷離,叫我后背發涼。
- 2. How odd life was, how unfathomable, how profoundly unjust.
- 生活多么離奇,多么莫測,多么不公??!
- 3. These odd assertions were interpolated into the manuscript some time after 1400.
- 這些奇怪的論斷是于1400年后的某個時間被加入手稿的。
- 4. Her Irish accent, after thirty-odd years in London, is undiluted.
- 她在倫敦呆了30多年,愛爾蘭口音仍很濃重。
- 5. He was definitely a bit of an odd bod.
- 他這人確實有點怪。