- n. 百合花,百合;類似百合花的植物;潔白之物
- adj. 潔白的,純潔的
- n. (Lily)人名;(羅)莉莉
- lily
- lily: [OE] Lily probably originated in a pre-Indo- European language of the Mediterranean seaboard. Latin acquired it (either independently or via Greek leírion) as līlium, and passed it on to English in the 10th century. It is now common to virtually all western European languages, including German (lilie), Dutch (lelie), Swedish (lilja), Spanish (lirio), Italian (the more radically altered giglio), and French (lis, acquired by English in fleur-de-lis, literally ‘lily flower’ [19]).
- lily (n.)
- Old English lilie, from Latin lilia, plural of lilium "a lily," cognate with Greek leirion, both perhaps borrowed from a corrupted pronunciation of an Egyptian word. Used in Old Testament to translate Hebrew shoshanna and in New Testament to translate Greek krinon. As an adjective, 1530s, "white, pure, lovely;" later "pale, colorless" (1580s).
Also from the Latin word are German lilie, French lis, Spanish lirio, Italian giglio. The lily of the valley translates Latin lilium convallium (Vulgate), a literal rendition of the Hebrew term in Song of Solomon ii:1. It apparently was applied to a particular plant (Convallaria majalis) first by 16c. German herbalists. Lily pad is from 1834, American English.
- 1. We sat in Lily's sunroom while I sketched in the situation.
- 我們坐在莉莉的日光浴室里,我把目前形勢的細節情況又補充說明了一下。
- 2. Lily lives in a penthouse just off Park Avenue.
- 莉莉住在公園大道附近的一套頂層豪華公寓里。
- 3. I rode to Lily's in a cab.
- 我乘出租車去了莉莉家。
- 4. Lily was in one of her aggressive moods.
- 莉莉當時不依不饒。
- 5. They want me to conform, to be lily-white.
- 他們要我循規蹈矩,要我清白無瑕。