- n. 吉卜賽人;吉卜賽語;像吉布賽的人;歌舞劇中的歌舞隊員
- adj. 象吉卜賽人的;吉卜賽人的;無照的
- vi. 流浪
- n. (Gypsy)人名;(英)吉普賽
來自英語方言egypcien, 埃及人。因過去很長一段時間,人們對吉普賽人缺乏了解,有認為來自埃及的,有認為來自東歐的,也有認為來自印度的,所以也導致吉普賽人實際上存在多種名字。
- gypsy
- gypsy: [16] It appears that in late medieval Europe, it was widely believed that the Roma people originated in Egypt. They first appeared in England around the beginning of the 16th century, and at first were generally referred to as ‘Egyptians’ (a name which survived well into the 18th century). Egyptian was soon eroded to gyptian, and by the end of the 16th century a new ending had been grafted on to the word to produce gypsy.
- Gypsy (n.)
- also gipsy, c. 1600, alteration of gypcian, a worn-down Middle English dialectal form of egypcien "Egyptian," from the supposed origin of the people. As an adjective, from 1620s. Compare British gippy (1889) a modern shortened colloquial form of Egyptian.
Cognate with Spanish Gitano and close in sense to Turkish and Arabic Kipti "gypsy," literally "Coptic;" but in Middle French they were Bohémien (see bohemian), and in Spanish also Flamenco "from Flanders." "The gipsies seem doomed to be associated with countries with which they have nothing to do" [Weekley]. Zingari, the Italian and German name, is of unknown origin. Romany is from the people's own language, a plural adjective form of rom "man." Gipsy was the preferred spelling in England. The name is also in extended use applied to "a person exhibiting any of the qualities attributed to Gipsies, as darkness of complexion, trickery in trade, arts of cajolery, and, especially as applied to a young woman, playful freedom or innocent roguishness of action or manner" [Century Dictionary]. As an adjective from 1620s with a sense "unconventional; outdoor."
- 1. Old - fashioned gypsy caravans are painted wooden vehicles that are pulled by horses.
- 舊式 的吉卜賽大篷車是由馬拉的涂了顏色的木質車輛.
- 2. I had my fortune told by Gypsy Rose at the fair.
- 我在集市上讓吉卜賽美女給我算了命.
- 3. Old - fashioned gypsy caravans are painted wooden vehicles.
- 舊時的吉普賽大篷車是涂了顏色的木質車輛.
- 4. She has pure gypsy blood in her veins.
- 她血管里流的是純吉卜賽人的血液.
- 5. I will tell Maria and the Gypsy how to handle the horses.
- 我去告訴瑪麗婭和吉普賽人怎樣侍弄這些馬.