- n. 吉他,六弦琴
- vi. 彈吉他
來自希臘語kithara , 詞源同sitar, zither.
- guitar
- guitar: [17] The Greek kithárā was a stringed musical instrument of the lyre family, which has bequeathed its name to a variety of successors. Via Latin cithara came English citole [14], a medieval stringed instrument, and German zither (borrowed by English in the 19th century), while Arabic took it over as qītār and passed it on to Spanish as guitarra.
French adopted it in the form guitare (which eventually superseded the earlier guiterne), and it eventually reached English. (The history of guiterne, incidentally, is not entirely clear, although it is obviously a member of the kithárā family. English acquired it as gittern [14], applied to an early form of guitar, and it seems to have been blended with Latin cithara to produce English cithern or cittern [16], the name of a plucked stringed instrument of Renaissance times.)
=> zither - guitar (n.)
- lute-like musical instrument, 1620s, from French guitare, which was altered by Spanish and Proven?al forms from Old French guiterre, earlier guiterne, from Latin cithara, from Greek kithara "cithara," a triangular seven-stringed musical instrument related to the lyre, perhaps from Persian sihtar (see sitar). The name reached English several times, including giterne (early 14c., from Old French), in reference to various stringed, guitar-like instruments; the modern word is also directly from Spanish guitarra (14c.), which ultimately is from the Greek. The Arabic word is perhaps from Spanish or Greek, though often the relationship is said to be the reverse. The modern guitar is one of a large class of instruments used in all countries and ages but particularly popular in Spain and periodically so in France and England. Other 17c, forms of the word in English include guittara, guitarra, gittar, and guitarre. Compare zither, gittern.
- 1. Molly had cringed when Ann started picking up the guitar.
- 安開始彈吉他時,莫莉感到有些難堪。
- 2. He spent his adolescent years playing guitar in the church band.
- 他在教堂的樂隊里彈吉他,度過了他的青少年時期。
- 3. The song is a fiery mix of twanging guitar with relentless drumming.
- 那是一首夾雜著撩撥的吉他聲和密集的鼓點的激情四射的歌曲。
- 4. Bronka is somewhat infamous for his screeching electric guitar work.
- 布朗卡因為彈出刺耳的電吉他聲而有些讓人討厭。
- 5. She smiled her thanks and arranged the guitar under her arm.
- 她微笑著致了謝,把胳膊下面的吉他調整了一下。