- n. 香味;滋味
- vt. 給……調味;給……增添風趣
- flavour
- flavour: [14] The form of the word flavour, and probably to some extent its meaning, owe a lot to savour. It was borrowed from Old French flaor, and originally meant ‘smell’ (the current association with ‘taste’ did not develop until the 17th century). The savour-influenced change from flaor to flavour seems to have happened somewhere in the crack between Old French and Middle English: there is no evidence of a -vspelling in Old French.
The Old French word itself came from Vulgar Latin *flātor ‘smell’, a derivative of Latin flātus ‘blowing, breeze, breath’ (possibly influenced by Latin foetor ‘foul smell’). Flātus in turn came from the past participle of flāre ‘blow’. - flavour
- chiefly British English spelling of flavor; for spelling, see -or. Related: Flavoured; flavourful; flavouring.
- 1. The 1985 vintage has a stronger bouquet and slight caramelly flavour.
- 這種1985年釀制的陳年佳釀味道更醇厚,帶有一種淡淡的焦糖甜味。
- 2. Too much salt masks the true flavour of the food.
- 太多的鹽會蓋住食物本來的味道。
- 3. Cognac is also used to macerate and flavour ingredients and casseroles.
- 干邑白蘭地也用于浸漬食材,給砂鍋燉菜提味。
- 4. Chick peas have a distinctive, delicious and nutty flavour.
- 鷹嘴豆有獨特可口的堅果風味。
- 5. Heat, cold, tactile and other sensations contribute to flavour.
- 熱、冷、觸覺和其他感覺構成了食物風味的一部分。