- n. 老板;首領;工頭
- vt. 指揮,調遣;當…的領導
- vi. 當首領,發號施令
- n. (Boss)人名;(英、法、德、西、瑞典)博斯
1.老板,來自荷蘭語baas, 叔叔。代替過于正式的master.
- boss
- boss: English has two words boss, of which the more familiar is far more recent; both are fairly obscure in origin. We know that boss ‘chief’ [19] comes from Dutch baas ‘master’ (it was introduced to American English by Dutch settlers), but where Dutch got the word from we do not know for certain. Boss ‘protuberance’ [13] was borrowed from Old French boce, which comes from an assumed general Romance *botja, but there the trail goes cold. Boss-eyed [19] and boss shot ‘bungled attempt’ [19] are both usually assumed to come from, or at least be connected with a 19thcentury English dialect verb boss ‘bungle’, of unknown origin.
- boss (n.1)
- "overseer," 1640s, American English, from Dutch baas "a master," Middle Dutch baes, of obscure origin. If original sense was "uncle," perhaps it is related to Old High German basa "aunt," but some sources discount this theory. The Dutch form baas is attested in English from 1620s as the standard title of a Dutch ship's captain. The word's popularity in U.S. may reflect egalitarian avoidance of master (n.) as well as the need to distinguish slave from free labor. The slang adjective meaning "excellent" is recorded in 1880s, revived, apparently independently, in teen and jazz slang in 1950s.
- boss (n.2)
- "protuberance, button," c. 1300, from Old French boce "a hump, swelling, tumor" (12c., Modern French bosse), from either Frankish *botija or Vulgar Latin *bottia, both which is of uncertain origin.
- boss (v.)
- 1856, from boss (n.1). Related: Bossed; bossing.
- 1. The boss retains enormous influence by reason of his position.
- 老板由于自身的地位而一直有極大的影響力。
- 2. As the boss began to rant, I stood up and went out.
- 老板開始咆哮的時候,我起身走了出去。
- 3. He seemed to be in direct contact with the Boss.
- 他似乎直接和老板聯系。
- 4. Jackson said her boss became increasingly depressed and reverted to smoking heavily.
- 杰克遜說她的老板情緒越來越低落,又開始拼命抽煙了。
- 5. As long as I deliver the goods, my boss is very happy.
- 只要我做好本職工作,我的老板就很高興。