- n. 食欲;嗜好
前綴ap-同ad-. 詞根pet, 追求,見compete, 競爭。此處指渴望美食。
- appetite
- appetite: [14] In its origins, appetite referred to a very generalized desire or inclination; the wish for food is a secondary development. The Latin noun was appetītus, a derivative of the compound verb appetere ‘strive after, desire eagerly’, which was based on petere ‘go to, seek out’ (source also of English compete, impetus, petition, and repeat, and related to feather).
=> compete, impetus, petition, repeat - appetite (n.)
- c. 1300, "craving for food," from Anglo-French appetit, Old French apetit (13c.) "appetite, desire, eagerness," from Latin appetitus "appetite," literally "desire toward," from appetitus, past participle of appetere "to long for, desire; strive for, grasp at," from ad- "to" (see ad-) + petere "go to, seek out" (see petition (n.)).
Of other desires or cravings, from late 14c. As an adjective form, OED lists appetitious (1650s) and appetitual (1610s) as "obsolete," but appetitive (1570s) continues.
- 1. There is nothing like a long walk to arouse the appetite.
- 沒有什么比走很長的路更能激起食欲的了。
- 2. Symptoms are a slight fever, headache and loss of appetite.
- 癥狀包括低燒、頭痛和食欲不振。
- 3. The public has an insatiable appetite for stories about the famous.
- 公眾對名人有著難以滿足的好奇心。
- 4. Lili had clearly regained her appetite but Doran was disinterested in food.
- 莉莉顯然已經(jīng)恢復(fù)了食欲,但多蘭卻提不起胃口。
- 5. Contrary to popular belief, moderate exercise actually decreases your appetite.
- 與通常的看法相反,適度的運動事實上會降低食欲。