- n. [無化] 氨,阿摩尼亞
2. Ammon 是古埃及神話中的主神、太陽神,由于“氨”這種物質是從 Ammon 神廟附近發現的另一種物質中提取出來的,所以后來瑞典的一個化學家就使用 Ammon 這個神話人物的名字加上一個化學名稱后綴 -ia 來命名該物質。
3. ammonia => am- + -ine / -in => amine / amin => amin-: 氨基-,胺-。
因首次在埃及神Ammon神廟前的鹽類沉積物發現而得名。-ia, 化學名稱后綴。
- ammonia
- ammonia: [18] Ammonia gets its name ultimately from Amon, or Amen, the Egyptian god of life and reproduction. Near the temple of Amon in Libya were found deposits of ammonium chloride, which was hence named sal ammoniac – ‘salt of Amon’. The gas nitrogen hydride is derived from sal ammoniac, and in 1782 the Swedish chemist Torbern Bergman coined the term ammonia for it.
- ammonia (n.)
- 1799, Modern Latin, coined 1782 by Swedish chemist Torbern Bergman (1735-1784) for gas obtained from sal ammoniac, salt deposits containing ammonium chloride found near temple of Jupiter Ammon (from Egyptian God Amun) in Libya, from Greek ammoniakos "belonging to Ammon." The shrine was ancient already in Augustus' day, and the salts were prepared "from the sands where the camels waited while their masters prayed for good omens" [Shipley].
There also was a gum form of sal ammoniac, from a wild plant that grew near the shrine, and across North Africa and Asia. A less likely theory traces the name to Greek Armeniakon "Armenian," because the substance also was found in Armenia. Also known as spirit of hartshorn and volatile or animal alkali.
- 1. Hydrogen is used extensively in industry for the production of ammonia.
- 氫氣在工業上廣泛用于制氨。
- 2. Substances such as ammonia give out heat when they dissolve.
- 諸如氨氣之類的物質在溶解時會釋放出熱量。
- 3. Ammonia is used as a restorative when a person has fainted.
- 一個人暈過去之后,阿摩尼亞可用作興奮劑.
- 4. The smelling of ammonia brought himaround.
- 嗅氨使他恢復了意識.
- 5. The amide nitrogen of glutamine or asparagine functions more effectively than ammonia.
- 谷酰胺或天門冬酰胺的酰胺氮作用較氨更有效.