- n. 星期四
來自古英語 thurresdaeg,星期四,字面意思即 Thor's Day,雷神索爾日。
- Thursday
- Thursday: [OE] The Romans called the fourth day of the week diēs Iovis ‘Jupiter’s day’. When the Germanic peoples took over their system of naming days after the gods, or the planets they represented, they replaced Jupiter, the Roman sky-god, with the Germanic god of thunder, Thor, whose name comes from the same source as English thunder. This produced a prehistoric Germanic *thonaras daga-, which evolved into Old English thunresd?g. The modern form Thursday is partly due to association with Old Norse thórsdagr.
=> thunder - Thursday (n.)
- fifth day of the week, Old English turresd?g, a contraction (perhaps influenced by Old Norse torsdagr) of tunresd?g, literally "Thor's day," from Tunre, genitive of Tunor "Thor" (see thunder (n.)); from Proto-Germanic *thonaras daga (cognates: Old Frisian thunresdei, Middle Dutch donresdach, Dutch donderdag, Old High German Donares tag, German Donnerstag, Danish and Swedish Torsdag "Thursday"), a loan-translation of Latin Jovis dies "day of Jupiter."
Roman Jupiter was identified with the Germanic Thor. The Latin word is the source of Italian giovedi, Old French juesdi, French jeudi, Spanish jueves, and is itself a loan-translation of Greek dios hemera "the day of Zeus."
- 1. He begins his new series on BBC 2 at 9pm on Thursday.
- 周四晚上9點英國廣播公司電視二臺開始播放他的新連續劇。
- 2. Antarctic air brought biting cold to southern Chile on Thursday.
- 周四,南極氣流給智利南部帶來了刺骨的嚴寒。
- 3. He appeared at Manchester Crown Court on Thursday on a drink-driving charge.
- 他因被控醉酒駕車而于周四在曼徹斯特的刑事法庭受審。
- 4. On a Thursday she used to do all the baking.
- 過去每逢周四,她會把烤東西的活兒都做了。
- 5. Last Thursday, Nick announced record revenues of $3.4 billion.
- 上個星期四,尼克宣布公司收入創下34億美元的紀錄。